anton putra

How To Structure Terraform Project (3 Levels)

Introduction to Kubernetes - Part 1

Create AWS EKS Cluster using Terraform: AWS EKS Kubernetes Tutorial - Part 2

AWS EKS Tutorial for Beginners [Full Course]: Terraform - Ingress - TLS - IAM Users - Autoscaling

Apache Kafka Architecture

Kubernetes Architecture

Minikube Tutorial: Setting Up Your Environment - Part 3

EKS CSI Driver Tutorial (ReadWriteOnce): AWS EKS Kubernetes Tutorial - Part 8

Docker vs Kubernetes vs Containerd

Kubernetes Architecture: Deep Dive - Part 2

Kubernetes Ingress Explained (2 Types)

Kubernetes Autoscaling: HPA vs. VPA vs. Keda vs. CA vs. Karpenter vs. Fargate

Types of Load Balancing Algorithms (Animated + Code Examples)

Create AWS VPC using Terraform: AWS EKS Kubernetes Tutorial - Part 1

EKS + AWS Secrets Manager Tutorial (Env & Files): AWS EKS Kubernetes Tutorial - Part 10

Nginx Ingress Controller Tutorial (Cert-Manager & TLS): AWS EKS Kubernetes Tutorial - Part 7

EKS EFS CSI Driver Tutorial (ReadWriteMany) & OIDC: AWS EKS Kubernetes Tutorial - Part 9

Docker Networking Tutorial (Bridge - None - Host - IPvlan - Macvlan - Overlay)

Apache Kafka in 6 minutes: Apache Kafka Tutorial #1

What is a Reverse Proxy? (vs. Forward Proxy) | Proxy servers explained

Container vs. Pod vs. Deployment vs. StatefulSet: Kubernetes Tutorial

Terragrunt Tutorial: Create VPC, EKS from Scratch!

ArgoCD Tutorial for Beginners: GitOps CD for Kubernetes #1

Add IAM User & IAM Role to AWS EKS: AWS EKS Kubernetes Tutorial - Part 3